
Standard Rates

Initial Visit (60 minutes) - $125

Follow Up Visit (30 minutes) - $85

Follow Up Visit (45 minutes) - $115

Follow Up Visit (60 minutes) - $155

MSP Eligible Rates

Initial Visit 60 Minutes (<10 appointments per year) - $65

Initial Visit 60 Minutes (>10 appointments per year) - $85

Follow Up Visit (Up to 10 appointments per year) - $45

Follow Up Visit (>10 appointments per year) - $65

Massage Therapy

MSP Eligible Rates

Initial Visit 60 Minutes (Up to 10 appointments per year) - $65 ($61.90 + $3.10 GST)

Initial Visit 60 Minutes (>10 appointments per year) - $85 ($80.95 + $4.05 GST)

Follow Up Visit (Up to 10 appointments per year) - $65 ($61.90 + $3.10 GST)

Follow Up Visit (>10 appointments per year) - $85 ($80.95 + $4.05 GST)

Standard Rates

60 Minutes - $120 ($114.29 + $5.71 GST)

45 Minutes - $100 ($95.24 + $4.76 GST)

30 Minutes - $75 ($71.43 + $3.57 GST)

Athletic Therapy & Kinesiology:

Initial Visit (60 minutes) - $100

Follow Up Visit (45 minutes) - $80


MSP Eligible Rates

Initial Visit 75 minutes (<10 appointments per year) - $65

Follow Up Visit 60 minutes (<10 appointments per year) - $65

Follow Up Visit 60 minutes (>10 appointments per year) - $85

Standard Rates

Initial Visit (75 minutes) - $125

Follow Up Visit (60 minutes) - $105


 Direct Billing

We offer direct billing to most major insurance providers!  Please bring your care card and insurance card to your initial appointment. 


If you have been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you qualify for enhanced accident benefits. Once you have a claim number, you can begin treatment. ICBC will initially approve services such as physiotherapy and kinesiology. We direct bill ICBC for the full cost of your appointments. You will not be required to pay any user fees. Visit www.icbc.com for more information.

The following information is needed for your first appointment:

  1. Personal Health Number

  2. ICBC Claim Number

  3. Date of the motor vehicle accident

  4. Contact information of your ICBC adjuster or ICBC team



  • No, you do not require a referral to book an appointment with any of our practitioners. Some extended health plans require a referral for you to be eligible for coverage.

  • You will receive a phone call from our admin team prior to your first appointment. You will be provided with all necessary information and given a chance to ask any questions that you have.

  • Yes, we offer direct billing to most major insurance providers including Blue Cross, Great West Life, Canada Life, etc.

  • If you qualify for MSP supplementary benefits, MSP will contribute $23 per visit for up to 10 visits per year.

  • The length of your appointment will depend on the type of service you are receiving. Physiotherapy initial assessments are 60 minutes, with options for 30, 45 and 60 minute follow ups appointments. Athletic therapy initial assessments are 60 minutes with 45 minute follow up appointments.

  • To book an appointment, give us a call at 250-731-8929 or book online through Jane App by selecting Book Now above.